Some of the photos from my and Pat’s life together…
The night I met Pat in Birmingham, February 1995. L-R, Bill Cobb, Me, Pat, Loretta Cobb Pat at Southern Voices Literary Conference, introducing Anne Rivers Siddons at the Awards Ceremony, Feb. 1997. L-R, Jake Reiss, bookseller; Anne Siddons; Pat; Bill Cobb Pat and me at Rick Bragg’s mother’s house, on the day we first met Rick Gregg and Mary Smith, friends from Augusta, after the infamous boat ride (Chapter 5); dripping wet, I was taking the photo Pat, his father and me at the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Savannah, with the late artist Jack Leigh., March, 1998, two months before Colonel Conroy’s death Wedding Day, sometime in May 1998, Charleston Wedding Day, with presiding judge Alex Sanders and my bridesmaid, Zoe Sanders Megan’s southern wedding, June 1999 Doug and Melinda Marlette Dancing at Megan’s wedding, June 1999. In front are Pat’s brother Jim and niece Rachel My boys, Jim, Jason, Jake were in college/graduate school when they first met Pat. Pat loved teasing them and they teased right back The “Boys” now (L-R): Jim and Liz, Jason and Michele, Jake and Brenda Pat’s beautiful daughters, whom I adored from the first time we met: Megan (front); Melissa, and Jessica Pat and Bernie with Pat’s grandkids Molly, Stella, Katie and Jack With grandkids Joseph and Lila Shermata Camp Fripp in full swing. Can’t tell exactly who’s who; Pat’s oldest granddaughter Elise in front, with Molly, Lila and Melissa At the Fripp house, Pat cooked a surprise birthday dinner for Nancy Jane Pat’s sister Kathy with one of her quilts; my sister Nancy Jane with Pat My granddaughter Alessandra not sure what to make of Pat. Photo taken at the King Farm A year later, Alessandra giving me the same look My father, Elton King (not Elton John) at his favorite fishing hole on the farm Daddy at his last Christmas, in headpiece supplied by grandkids My sister Beckie – probably at a BAMA game With Jim Landon in his Highlands garden At the Lobster Pot in Maine with Anne and Heyward Siddons, Barbara Hagarty and her son Richard. Thankfully, everyone was well for this meal Happy days in Maine With Pat’s former Citadel classmates and their wives: Scott and Susan Graber, John and Barbara Warley With siblings (L-R) Tim, Kathy, Jim and Mike Pat happily surrounded by the Same Sweet Girls at our gathering on Fripp Island Pat posing, with our dear friends, Janis and Wendell Owens, in Highlands, NC At our new house on Battery Creek. Oak tree on right was taken out by Hurricane Matthew Pat’s last Thanksgiving, 2015, at the Manning’s house in Highlands Pat writing on porch, a couple weeks before his illness Photo taken shortly before Pat’s death, March 4, 2016 Battery Creek before Hurricane Matthew The remains of the dock after Hurricane Matthew For my beloved grands, the storytellers of the future, I’m counting on you to pass it on
So there they are… some of the memories…